I am a post-doc researcher at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security (Saarbruecken, Germany) in the research group of Prof. Dr. Cas Cremers. I have defended my PhD (“Formal analysis of security protocols:real-world case-studies and automated proof strategies”) in 2024 at Loria (Nancy, France).
COLD (Commandes et Outils Linux pour le Développeur): bases of bash (cli and basic scripts), git and Latex. Telecom Nancy 2023/2024, practical work
System: Introduction to the internal workings of a computer (management of processes, system calls, input and output files, threads, etc.) and implementation of the concepts in C language. Telecom Nancy 2022/2024, tutorials, practical work, project(2022)
C language: How memory works in C (stack and heap) and basic programming in this language. Telecom Nancy 2022/2023, tutorials, practical work
MSED (Modèles des Systèmes à Évènements Discrets): Automatons, Petri networks and graphcets. Telecom Nancy 2022/2023, tutorials, practical work
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